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348 Cameron Street Sarnia Ontario, Canada

348 Cameron Street
"Queens Gate Manor Townhomes"

348 Cameron Street



Registered as condos1998

Average MLS Selling PriceN/A

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Ten clusters of two-storey units surrounded with plenty of open space. These are three-bedroom, brick and vinyl gas heated units with 1.5 baths. To the immediate west of this complex is the "Colonel Cameron Public School."

Light brown coloured bricking, sand coloured bricking, pale red bricking, tan siding, white trim and brown shingles of varying ages. It’s upper level design styles are not all the same. Some upper rooflines are part "mansard style" and some sections are part "hip" style. Upper roofline designs can change within each cluster. Front door arrangements can change within clusters.

Some units appear to be going through renovations, some clusters have individual units which appear to be vacant. The front driveway and parking areas (going into 2021) need to be resurfaced in a major way. One end cluster on the north side of the complex has no asphalt at all and there doesn't seem to be any immediate plans to fix it. This is not a condition which one might expect to see. It should be also noted that back in 2016 a large number of units changed ownership with only five sales going through the "M.L.S" system. This complex has a history of being used for rental investment purposes.

Immediately to the north of this complex is a large area of vacant land surrounded by brick pillars and weathered fencing. There is a gap in this fencing on the eastern side for a future entranceway coming in off of Ann Street. Press the link to our "Google" satellite map to see what we are trying to explain. To the north of these vacant lands is the eastern portion of the "Corunna Athletic Park". Obviously, someone in the past had a vision to build out condos here.

In recent times signs have been posted by the township talking about possible zoning amendments. Mentioning is being made of "vacant land condos". It makes sense. Things happen. Corunna is now witnessing an uptick in new housing starts.

Property Manager:


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